There are probably not many people who would never have heard of ISO standards. They accompany us every day. ISO is indirectly derived from the first global quality management model – BS 5750, which was published by the British Standard Institution in 1979. After some time, the BS norm evolved into ISO, indirectly influencing the emergence of further international standards.
In its history, ISO has been refreshed many times, and the 9001 standard was last updated in 2015. Thus, if someone wants to undergo the ISO 9001 procedure today, they must be based on the 2015 update.
Our company started work on ISO 9001: 2015 some time ago. We are very happy that we were able to meet all the necessary requirements already in the first approach to certification. We have recently obtained the appropriate document, which clearly confirms that at BODtech we are guided by high quality.
We hope that ISO – combined with attractive prices and a wide range of goods – will make many of you decide to trust us and buy many different products from us.